Frequently Asked Questions
Is Halio a licensed International School?
No. We are legally licensed as a Learning Center. This allows our students to be legally registered in the Thai school system, while still allowing us the freedom to offer our unique program tailored to the individual needs of our international students. Our project-based curriculum was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2018, although we have been teaching students in Hua Hin operating under different legal models since 2006.
Is there food service available through Halio?
Yes. The meal plan includes a mid-morning fresh-fruit snack, an afternoon snack, an after-school carbohydrate snack, and a hot lunch every day. The menu rotates every three weeks. The children have a choice between child-friendly Thai dishes or Western food or a vegetarian option offered every day. Every week they get whole grain rice, noodle, or potato based dishes. The meals are cooked on campus. You are welcome to ask for a copy of the menu, or to have your child do a three week trial for 1500 Baht before you commit to the whole term. The meal plan costs 5,000 Baht per term.
Is there transportation service available?
Yes. Our PE teacher offers to pick up and drop off students around town. Please contact the school to learn more about pick up times and the cost.
Can I have a discount?
Halio is not for profit. We have 15 full and part-time teachers on staff and we are currently offering over 23 courses. The tuition fees cover the cost of running the program, and surplus is reinvested, so we are unable to offer second or third child discounts. Parents who pay for the whole school year in advance in cash can have a 1% tuition discount.
When is tuition due? How should I pay?
Halio operates on a trimester basis. Payment is due two months before the start of term. Payment can be made either in cash at the school or by bank transfer to Hua Hin Learning Center, Kasikorn Bank #046-838-0560. For those making transfers from accounts overseas, please take into account the fees charged by various institutions and adjust your payment accordingly. Any overpayment will be refunded, without question.
If my student withdraws from Halio, are transcripts available?
Yes, they are. Our internal Halio transcripts have been recognized by schools and academic institutions all over the world (in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Japan, and Iceland to name a few), and by several International Schools in Thailand. Our external transcripts issued by the Ministry of Education are standard Thai end of year documents and are accepted by Thai institutions around Thailand.
What curriculum is taught at Halio Primary school?
All of our students are expected to take English, Thai and maths, except when special exemption requests are presented by parents. Science and social studies are offered as soon as the child demonstrates an interest and curiosity. Currently we are offering a Project-Based Learning curriculum that allows us to choose from 42 cross-curricular holistic projects that offer practical learning from several subjects.
Are Halio teachers qualified?
It depends on your definition of “qualified.” Some of our teachers are licensed and hold certification as teachers. All of our teachers are highly educated, world traveled, and experienced. We have seen that a teacher’s presence and ability to communicate effectively with students is more important than whether or not they have taken a teacher training course. We currently have five certified teachers on our staff, but certification is not what makes them effective with the children. It is much more important to us that a teacher be dynamic and interesting, and have good rapport with the students.
As many of the courses at Halio are optional, it is critical that the teacher be able to deliver high quality lessons that the children want to attend. Students choose to join the classes because they are worth their while. The teachers have to be able to create lessons that are better than free time.
For more details specific to our staff please review the Teachers & Staff section of this website.
Is there an expectation of parent involvement?
We love parents to be involved to whatever extent they are inspired to participate. One of our dads teaches a Club on Wednesday afternoons. One of the mothers spends two full half-days at the school each week. A grandmother spends one hour each week. Most of the parents are involved with making rules and setting up new policies as the school grows and our needs evolve.
There are no requirements, and many parents support the school by making sure their children eat a healthy breakfast and paying the tuition fees on time.