In the beginning... Earth, water, fire and food!
And then there were tools...
for projects... for work... for fun... ...and for rock catapults!
...and gardening.
There were puppet shows...
...trees to climb...
...strange hair care events...
...and water balloons...!
We went on trips to new places...
...and tried to learn new things...!
We faced our fears, expressed ourselves, pushed the edges of our comfort zones, practiced patience and tolerance, and tried to help each other to be the best we could be...
...and we laid the groundwork for Halio!

Our Story
In 2002, Hua Hin was a a fishing village that was becoming a tourist town, attracting foreign residents, but lacking the infrastructure to keep them. After years of waiting for an international school, Padma Fischer-White realized she would have to homeschool her son for the family to stay in Hua Hin. Believing socializing and socialization to be crucial for children, she found like-minded families and inspired by AS Neill's Summerhill, Waldorf and Montessori, began to try to meet the individual needs of these 8 children.
Without a license, or accreditation, most of the families that were attracted to this option had children that were struggling or failing in traditional school. Most of them suffered some kind of trauma in school, had learning disabilities, or behavioral troubles. Padma wrestled to find methods and unconventional ways to coax them into the classroom, and often it only worked if they didn't know they were learning. It was by navigating around the needs of these challenging children that our Halio Awesomesauce was born. With a strong trust in the value of self-directed free play, the importance of excellent relationships with their teachers and peers, and a warm and loving environment, our children thrive. Our results are evident: Our children are happy and eager to learn, and possess a passion and care for their environment and each other that is unrivaled.
Since those humble beginnings, we have grown to accommodate children from age three to twelve, and currently we are the only English language progressive school licensed in Thailand as a Learning Center that can provide children with the certification required to keep in accord with Thai law.