Dress Code & Uniform Guidelines
At Halio, children play.
Whether climbing on the playground, digging in the sand, or doing gymnastics on the lawn, Halio children need to be comfortably and presentably dressed.
Top: Uniform polo shirts with our logo on them are available in three solid color options for 250 Baht each.
If you would prefer to purchase different polo shirts, please buy navy (dark blue) polo shirts to maintain a sense of solidarity and unity in our presentation.
Bottoms: Solid-colored shorts, skirts, trousers, or leggings that are comfortable for your child's activities.
Feet: Slip-on shoes or sandals they feel comfortable wearing (we do not wear shoes inside the building).

Sport kits can be purchased through the school for 600 Baht, or families can provide their own for training practice.
Halio students are athletic. We regularly swim, hike, run, play football, and much more. For your child to be ready for any of these fun activities, we recommend keeping a swimsuit, towel, running shoes and socks, spare clothes, and an art shirt / paint smock at school at all times.
Please do not allow your children to wear accessories that would pose a threat to their safety during rough play. This includes rings, long earrings, chain necklaces, bracelets, etc...
Students must have closed-toe running shoes and/or football boots (cleats). Shin guards and knee socks are essential for personal safety.
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Halio families are diverse and community-oriented. To minimize economic and social barriers, we request that Halio students do not wear fashion accessories such as jewelry, makeup, or large hair accessories. Modest watches are our only exception because they enable children to be more responsible and aware.
Kindergarten students should feel free and relaxed and comfortable in their clothes. Some Kindergarten students still take naps, so we consider sleep comfort too!
Top: Children should wear a navy blue, soft cotton t-shirt. Light weight t-shirts with the school logo are available for 200 Baht each.
Bottoms: Solid-colored shorts, skirts, trousers, or leggings that are comfortable for your child's activities.
Feet: Slip-on shoes or sandals they feel comfortable wearing (we do not wear shoes inside the building).
Children in Halio Kindergarten are not to wear makeup, jewelry, or accessories of any kind, except for stud earrings, religious necklaces (to be worn inside the shirt), and simple watches if necessary.